Displays + boards

Grazing Tables are perfect for weddings, grand openings, graduation parties, corporate events, anniversaries, baby showers, customer appreciation, retirement parties, holiday parties and so much more.

Our tables are set up on-site in your home, office, venue or event space and include a variety of charcuterie meats, cheeses, fresh and dried fruit, dips, vegetables, honey, mixed nuts, and breads/crackers. Custom options available. Dessert, Brunch and Seafood Tables are also available.

Grazing Tables are set up onsite by our team and are designed to be easily disposed of by the client. Minimum of 25 guests. Smaller events can be accommodated with a selection of our pre-made boards.

  • Flat Lay Displays

    Our team will arrange our flat-lay displays on top of any surface (island, dining room table, card table, buffet) using specialty paper that can easily be discarded at the end of your event.

    $18/per person

    Props and Servicewares can be requested for an additional charge.

  • Dimensional Display

    Dimensional displays are arranged using a selection of risers, boxes, trays, bowls and customizable props for a custom visual.

    $20/per person.

    Servicewares and props will need to be returned within 48 hours. Our team can return at the end of your event to clean up and collect the props for an additional $2/per person.